Crows feet

Crows feet, also known as crow's feet, are fine lines, fan-shaped wrinkles that form at the outer corners of the eyes. If these wrinkles bother you, there are ways to reduce their appearance.


How are crow's feet formed?

Crow's feet, also known as laugh lines, are caused by the eyelids. As we age, facial expressions leave traces on our face as we experience emotions. Laughter, stress, sadness or anger will cause a reaction in the facial muscles, which will be reflected in the wrinkling of the skin. In youth, the skin is flexible enough, and wrinkles return to their original state after the emotion is over. However, the elasticity of the skin decreases with aging and wrinkles on the face remain even when you are not smiling and the face is at rest.

Crows feed initially look like thin lines when you squint. Over time, these fine lines can deepen.


From what age do crows feet appear?

Fans at the outer corners of the eyes can be observed in some people around the age of thirty, while others catch up even ten years later. This is due to the fact that the speed of skin aging is quite individual for everyone. It is determined by many factors:

  • sun exposure without protective creams with sufficient SPF
  • smoking
  • variety of diet
  • genetics

Aging is an inevitable part of life. The production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that help the skin maintain its plump and youthful appearance, naturally decreases with age. This reduces the elasticity of the skin and fine lines develop even outside the corners of the eyes.


Can the formation of crows feet be prevented?

We know the factors influencing the formation of wrinkles and therefore know how to prevent them. Among the effective steps to prevent the formation of fans, or rooster tracks, are:

  • consistent use of creams protecting against harmful solar UV radiation
  • wearing sunglasses and, possibly, headgear with a peak
  • healthy lifestyle
  • compliance with the drinking regime
  • sufficient hydration of the skin - using high-quality home cosmetics or bioremodeling

If you observe wrinkles around the eyes despite following the above recommendations and it bothers you so much when you look in the mirror that you would like to get rid of them, read how to remove crows feet.


How to remove crows feet?

There are several methods to reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

The first aid you will probably reach for will be cosmetic creams. They should contain effective ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C and E, etc. It is especially appropriate to use special eye creams.

When cosmetics are not enough, you can use the services of an expert - a doctor, who will block the contractions of the muscles around the eyes through the application of BTX. With a fine needle, he injects a precisely defined amount of the substance into the skin, thereby temporarily interrupting the transmission of neurotransmitters to the muscle, due to which the muscle limits its activity. As a result, you will pucker less of the skin around your eyes and thus prevent the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, existing wrinkles are loosened and completely or partially smoothed out.

The effect of the neurotoxin is temporary and reversible. It will go away after 4 to 9 months, and then you can decide whether to repeat the treatment or accept the wrinkles around the eyes.

For BTX treatment, we recommend that you always contact only a specialist, a doctor who has experience with the given procedure. This is the only way to avoid unwanted complications.


Are you troubled by the fan of wrinkles around the eyes, the so-called crows feet? Schedule your free appointment

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